Monday, February 18, 2013

A little tiny blog.

We are well - all of us at the Same time! No sickness! knock knock... We are happy. Well, Craig is working too hard but besides that... I am loving nursing school and Finley is loving Kindergarten. 

Miss Finely on her way to a birthday party.

These people were walking down the street and I just had to take their picture and send it to them... The said balloons make everything more fun. I agree.

Walking to the playground to me good ole Lily. Flower was for Lily but the stem broke and ended up in petals in her pocket before we got two blocks
My first experience in the OR.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Emmett!! Happy 12th Birthday!!

Oh, we Love you - yes we do... Can imagine no happy life without You!
Hope you had a Great one:)))) C'mon - the SuperBowl on your B-day?! Pretty Awesome.
oodles of xxxx's and ooooo's.  LOOK at this baby picture of you and us! There you are, right in that 4 month old YOU. I see you so clearly. 
Finley has always been a HUGE fan, as you know:))