Monday, March 09, 2009

Country Mice No More...

We are soon to be City Mice - exclusively. For nine years we have lived up here in Pawling and it has become apparent for many reasons that we need to go back in the city - full time. We have very mixed feelings about this decision but there really isn't much choice. I swing wildly from weeping to excited - anticipation to dread. Needless to say this has kept us all busy with crazy logistics - I haven't been this tired since the early days when Finley was born.

Step 1 - Find, prepare and move Mighty Toad, the recording studio.
Step 2 - Gently ask roommate to leave and take back over our Minetta Street apartment. Clean, prepare and move what we think we can comfortably take with us.
Step 3 - Have estate sale and sell most of what is left.
Step 4 - Put the rest in storage.
As of today we are still on steps one and two... We accept prayers and luck, please.

The new studio needed lots of paint and TLC!! Mitch is not pictured because I accidentally erased all pics from first day. We were literally flinging painting - only had Tomo for 3 hours... Tomo - most awesome babysitter! She kept Finley happy in the 8x8 vocal booth for while we painted and it rained outside!


ma otter said...

i can't begin to imagine the stress level right now.
you guys are incredible...moving right along...the studio looks great and I am so glad its still red!!
love love love you guys.

ma otter said...
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Lauren said...

Annie just told me about your move. I can imagine the mix of feelings you are experiencing.

I am sure you guys will love being Big Apple parents. Cami I know you have tons of friends in the city - but I suspect in the next months you will meet friends you will keep for the rest of your life. My closest friends here in San Diego are the ones I met when Aida was a wee thing.

On a totally different note, I stumbled across your beautiful face in Real Simple while I was in a coffee shop with a class of mine. They were VERY impressed that I knew you.

Anonymous said...

You guys never complain, you just keep moving forward. We are soooooo happy to have you in the city, more playtime for us. Pawling, your friends there and the lovely home you made will be missed. Having you here, however, is just great.

ma otter said...

Go to Papaya King, have two dogs with mustard and sauerkraut, a large Papaya and then go to a movie on 86th street and you'll feel better in no time.

Caline said...

Jono told me about your impending move and I immediately began to fantasize about your move out west! I figured Craig and Jono could run the studio and Cami and I could go out and get hit on by all the Santa Fe lesbians!
But alas, the fantasy has been tabled for the time being.
I'm sure this is all nutty and crazy and difficult but hopefully it's a relief on some level...
I wish you smooth moving!

ma otter said...

No luck Caline, I was hoping they would move to San Diego and live in my garage. Well Cami and Finley could stay in the house, but Craig.....

Gracie said...

A bittersweet, exciting time! Loved Pawling...but LOVE the city!!! We'll visit you no matter where you guys are....