Wednesday, June 06, 2012

I love our building

Thanks to Rob and Phil and Clara, we have a very warm and cozy family feeling in our building. Our bi-annual stoop sales are ridiculously fun. This time we read runes and tarot cards.  Afterwards Rob and Finley went a little (a LOT) crazy with the sidewalk chalk. It was so cute that a just-married couple wanted to take a photo with it... Reminded me of a some beach hearts not that long ago;)

1 comment:

ma otter said...

I love your building too...and your people!
That is so great, that just married photo, and Rob is obviously great!
I can't wait to roll all around in that good Brooklyn energy.
I still can't believe how perfectly you guys found your fit on Garfield with the blue door.
And you just knew when you saw it, remember??!! I was looking back at the old posts and it all came back to me how that all went down.
Cami, you have willed yourself some serious, well-deserved goodness. xoxoxox