Monday, January 28, 2013

C'mon Second Semester... Bring it.

And there are even MORE...
Finley likes anatomy too - check out her heart and lungs :)


annie said...

what a great idea for halloween! she could wear skin colored leo and tights and just go to town with sharpees and your nursing books! awesome! got this! and everyday you are closer to DONE! xoxoxo (total and complete inspiration, you are)

annie said...

what a great idea for halloween! she could wear skin colored leo and tights and just go to town with sharpees and your nursing books! awesome! got this! and everyday you are closer to DONE! xoxoxo (total and complete inspiration, you are)

Meg said...

I had so many of these books. That Saunder's NCLEX book is AMAZING. Start now (easy to say that, I know...). If I could go back and do it again, I would have studied the correlating sections in the yellow Saunder's book as I went along in school. That book is legit. Really prepares you for what you will see on the NCLEX and weeds out the fluff. The sections aren't that long either, so if you can possibly swing it, try to review them as you go along in school. Likely to help you on your exams as well!

After school, the studying period for the NCLEX is terrifying. It would have been so much less stressful had I done that. Buuuuuut, you probably have ZERO extra time, i know :/

40 down last semester! And you were far from one of them! Welcome, semester number two.... Cami will be obliged to kick your ass ;)


Unknown said...

My people. I appreciate that damn support!!