Sunday, January 26, 2014

This break is OVER

HeartPeace to all in the coming months


A "Snowclops" !! (yes it was full of snow)

sewing straight paper lines
Bleaching the ol' uniform

Had some playdates

Our New to Us Couch,  please come crash on it,  yes - YOU

She is snow crazy!


ma otter said...

great break did it up! silas is cray-cray jelly about the tots perf brooklyn winter weather, yo.

but really now...we SHOULD be there sledding with y'all.

i love it alllllllllllll !!! the sewing, the new couch and craig's long hair and finley's big smile with you in the snow.
as for the more blogging...yay!

question: why does one need to bleach a uniform? did something creepy get on there?

craig or cami said...

uniform is white and therefore dingy after 3 semesters... especially where I sweated cause I was FREAKING OUT. :)

craig or cami said...

love this blog....I think our kiving room looks way more comfy with new sofa!!
papa d