Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Super Anti-Craving

Yep, swamp mouth. That's what they call it. It's where your mouth tastes like poopy-caca, sour milk, just bad, bad, bad - all the time!!. No amount of tooth or tongue brushing (I'm up to 10 times a day) will touch The Swamp. Some people have a hard time eating as nothing tastes good. That is not my problem, see I was thinking if I just eat something else it will change. That's a lot of chow. I'm hip to it now and will be managing with ice water with lemon and ginger lemon tea. A little rinse with baking soda and I won't need to eat that whole pizza!

Craig, come home so I have someone to bitch about these things to! Murray (cat) is just not listening...

Also for you who have noticed, I have a little time on my hands and can't stop messin' with this blog - it's fun! Double also, check it out - I found this on somebody's blog (can't remember who, sorry) some of the funniest crabby toddler behavior - ever. And yes, I still want one. I don't know how to show the image with the link yet - just click:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A Message from Within - It's A-OK!!

I cannot stop looking at these. It's as if he/she knew I was worried about the nookal sonogram procedure and was like "Hey, everything's good in here!" Not to mention that, THAT'S A PERSON! A person I am making! A very tiny HUMAN BEING made of Craig and I. Wild, beyond wonderful. Doctor thought everything looked good too.

Second Trimester Begins!

Every Sunday I progress to the next week, and this Sunday began week 13. Which means I am officially finished with the first trimester! I am starting to feel really good, most of the nausea is gone and I have alot more energy - very exciting indeed. Here's the belly... Me and the belly are off to another sonogram today. It's a mildly scary one to see if I need an amniocentesis which is the truly scary procedure.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Ghoul Time Had By All

It was great, it was crazy - it was Crazy-Great! The 33rd Annual Greenwich Village Halloween Parade. My favorite thing to do on Halloween, though that will probably change starting next year as it is a "bit of rough." I don't know why they say that pregnant women can't drink - I had 7 or 8 cocktails and I feel fine! Just kidding, notice the decaf latte.

Meanwhile, 1 1/2 hours north.... Luke and Cole are rakin' in the first-place ribbons again this year with amazing Captain Hook and Peter Pan. (Thanks to Aunt Jackie who start these things in JULY.)

Papa Is a Rolling Stone...

Craig is on tour till November 19, travelling around this big 'ole country and part of Canada with James Hunter. Check out Craig's website for details.

Here he is getting his horn fixed at the infamous Perry Ritter's the day before he left. The cat, the fetus and I sure do miss him.

Fall Waterfall

Say THAT fast five times! Meanwhile, just feast your eyes on the amazing beauty that is our backyard. Still can't believe we live here now. Luckyluckylucky.