Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Super Anti-Craving

Yep, swamp mouth. That's what they call it. It's where your mouth tastes like poopy-caca, sour milk, just bad, bad, bad - all the time!!. No amount of tooth or tongue brushing (I'm up to 10 times a day) will touch The Swamp. Some people have a hard time eating as nothing tastes good. That is not my problem, see I was thinking if I just eat something else it will change. That's a lot of chow. I'm hip to it now and will be managing with ice water with lemon and ginger lemon tea. A little rinse with baking soda and I won't need to eat that whole pizza!

Craig, come home so I have someone to bitch about these things to! Murray (cat) is just not listening...

Also for you who have noticed, I have a little time on my hands and can't stop messin' with this blog - it's fun! Double also, check it out - I found this on somebody's blog (can't remember who, sorry) some of the funniest crabby toddler behavior - ever. And yes, I still want one. I don't know how to show the image with the link yet - just click:


ma otter said...

Troublemaker! See you on Monday

LCJ said...

That is very funny!!!

craig or cami said...

WHY does that make me a troublemaker? That's it, my fetus is bringin' "the hammer."

ma otter said...

my mouth tasted like metal for two months. I wish I had known about the lemon ginger thing. annie

Lauren said...

I left a comment yesterday saying how much Craig must be looking forward to layin a big fat wet slobery kiss after hearing about your SWAMP MOUTH- yum!

blogger ate the comment so I will try again....

Lauren said...

OH yeah and to directly post You Tube stuff just cut and paste the gobbily gook on the youtube site after it says "EMBED" (to the right of the video) directly into your post and like magic it appears in your post when you publish.

(a few times I got a message saying there was something wrong with the code- I just deleted the code I did, tried again and for some reason then it would work)