Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Super Techno Mama!!!

While going to the gym last week (ugh.) and right before our trip to the city, a water bottle leaked in my bag and killed my phone. Drag. But Craig who always has splendid ideas for ways to spend money says "Why don't you get an iphone!" I have never had an ipod or mp3 player at all (which will come in handy as it looks like I am actually having to go to that gym now) PLUS all the other cool things this gadget can do... Long story short, I am now the proud, if sheepish, owner of this supremely cool device. I will try to actually blog with it soon.


ma otter said...

can you really blog from your phone? no fair! (but if Matt is reading this...I don't want it for Christmas!! I just figured out how to use the cell phone we already have!)

craig or cami said...

you do want it for xmas...
trust me