Friday, October 05, 2007

Abiyoyo - Yum!

She's still diggin' on the banana, so we thought we would move right along with a little sweet potato. (Emmett's first food?)


ma otter said...

Bananas and sweet potato? Craig must be slipping....I fed the kids gefilte fish and chopped liver DAY ONE! You can recover from this wildly inappropriate feeding fiasco, however. The only cure now is matzo, matzo, matzo.


craig or cami said...

the shiksa is taking over!
she tried to put mayo on my pastrami,
is there no end to her mashuganah?
whats next, vacations in Maine?
gherkins ?

ma otter said...

You will know if its getting really bad when she dresses the kid in Laura Ashley with a gold tennis bracelet. By the way, have you taken her to see "the Sorrow and the Pity" or "Shoah" yet? Don't tell me she hasn't....