Friday, June 27, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!

It has been a few days of rain or overcast weather like today where the sun doesn't shine but it doesn't rain enough so I still have to water all the plants! The kiddie pool isn't as fun without The Sun! Craig is gone on tour for a really long time (at least we get to see him, and The Sun, in San Diego soon). What Finley is up to: she is running which is amazing - two months of walking and now she is running. She can crawl up and down the stairs all by herself (yes we still keep the gates locked - sheesh), she is obsessed with things that go "click" - stroller, carrier and car seat. She can say "MY" meaning "mine" and it is the first word that she knows without us intentionally teaching her - where'd she get it? Gym day care, I'm guessing. Yes, I still hoof it to the gym regularly. Her top four teeth are in so everyone is sleeping better for the moment. I think she understands everything I say which always amazes me. She loves all food though i am getting hip to giving her the vegetables first.

Driving to The City wears us out!


ma otter said...

even if you are not that into blogging lately, I thank you for posts like this...I love to see her naked cuteness and hear about "MY!"

And even when I just feel like blogging is annoying and I don't want to do it, I love to go back now and then and see what we were up to last year at this time...

and NEXT WEEK AT THIS TIME will get to see Finley in person!! (and you too of course:)


ma otter said...

Can't wait to see you both. I really want to talk Silas and Finley on a walk together.


PS the medicine ball says hi