Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Here is my sweet sweet nephew Silas on his first day of preschool. Click here for the whole heart-crushing post over at the Plump Otter.

Now, let's see if you can figure out what "first" I had yesterday.

Quite on the opposite ends of the experience spectrum, I believe...


ma otter said...

that is so funny. did they really smush it? did you go for an all over check or just the mammo?

oh, and when I comment on Calines blog it just asks me to type in secret letters like normal ...I just tested it and it was exactly like commenting on yours. hmm. I wonder whats happening that your computer aint friends with hers... maybe you need to woo it a bit.
very unhelpful, I know.

speaking of mammo...I think mine are almost completely out of "ammo" of the liquid sort and poor silas is in mourning.
He wakes saying, "sunshine boo???" pitiful.


Caline said...

Cami- I don't know what to do!
I have pretty much zero understanding of basic technology and so I don't even know where to begin with trying to figure out why we can't communicate via the blogspots. I've had trouble doing some things on the computer because somebody somewhere wants me to disable my cookies, which I refuse to do! And not just because I don't know how!!!!
But maybe you can check your cookies and get through...
It's very odd and disappointing because it could be a fun way to get to know someone I've never met but would like to know.
I have a little fantasy that maybe one day we can all meet up at one of our parts of the world and make food and music and have some fun...
Until then, I'm with Finley- the answers may reside in the cookies!

Caline said...

...and if that doesn't work, try wooing it...

Anonymous said...

We were surrounded on a small Pacific Atoll in early '43. Me, Brooklyn Joe and Big Pete had landed with the rest of the boys from the 2nd Marines and were planning on knocking off some nips...that was until we ran out of mammo...