Wednesday, February 25, 2009

In These Troubles Times...

She did in fact make these shoes herself... How much do you love her chubby little tookus hanging out of the diaper?

Monday, February 23, 2009


We live in the woods. It is a fact that there is lots of wildlife and they belong here more than we, though when Finley began to crawl I had to draw the line with the field mice. I tried to catch and release them - they got out of the traps. I tried the electric boxes that are supposed to kill them instantly/humanely (?) but actually didn't work until finally it was a full on war with the horrible snap traps. In the past two months I have given up and let them live their little lives in our basement and looked the other way. The other part of this story is that I made some Christmas garland out of rigatoni. Two pounds of rigatoni, dyed four different colors - it was awesome and gave me those good homemade crafty mom feelings that I often strive for... I saved the garland with the rest of the decorations in the basement. Maybe you can guess the rest. These pieces were found in clothing bags up in the ATTIC! I can't even find the bag that held the garland - they took the whole bag! TWO POUNDS OF RIGATONNNIIIIII! They can eat forever on that. The worst part is the scratch scratch scratch of them dragging and munching it in the ceilings at 4:30 in the a.m. !!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Baby Grows in Brooklyn

What a better way to celebrate Valentines Day than to go to a baby shower! Well, maybe you have other good ideas, but what says "love" more than a baby! Lisa (daughter of Keith Lowchyj) and Steve Waggoner are expecting a girl on April 15. This is a woman who had SERIOUS baby fever when Craig's family all came out to welcome Finley two months after she was born. We are so happy for them all! Finley and I had a great time - she loved all the attention and especially the punch.
Lisa and Steve with Finley - July 2007

The men return from their shower festivities (an Irish horse track bar!)

Here's what we did when she couldn't take any more opening presents that weren't hers!

Monday, February 16, 2009


By definition "to grow and expand rapidly" as in - Her Personality! This a Finley Only blog at the moment, if you hadn't noticed...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

To everyone!!! XXOXOXOX
(especially those Geiger boys)...

Here is Finley (aka "I Like my Left Foot Naked Even In The Snow" Girl) with one of her great loves - the CAR!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Too Clogged to Blog

Everything is upside down (don't even want to get into it) and blogging has been a virtually nonexistent activity. But I do have a couple things to share ...

This is an oldie but greatie that I found while looking for Emmett b-day pics. I love this video. It is summer 2004 and we were driving back from that famed putt putt game and feeling good!

Next we have a sad little example of our winter play options out here in Pawling, well Danbury, CT actually - a 45 minute drive to The Mall!! to run amok with other kids at this pretty excellent little playground in The Food Court!! that reminds of the poor dogs at the tiny dog runs in the City. Last we hit the carousel for a ride and a horsey hand stamp. It beats the pet store, but not by much.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Emmett!!!!

We love you like crazy!!

Remember that awesome day you beat us all in putt putt!?