Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Baby Grows in Brooklyn

What a better way to celebrate Valentines Day than to go to a baby shower! Well, maybe you have other good ideas, but what says "love" more than a baby! Lisa (daughter of Keith Lowchyj) and Steve Waggoner are expecting a girl on April 15. This is a woman who had SERIOUS baby fever when Craig's family all came out to welcome Finley two months after she was born. We are so happy for them all! Finley and I had a great time - she loved all the attention and especially the punch.
Lisa and Steve with Finley - July 2007

The men return from their shower festivities (an Irish horse track bar!)

Here's what we did when she couldn't take any more opening presents that weren't hers!

1 comment:

ma otter said...

hahaha, a baby grows in brooklyn...finally finley...and the best...the "baby run".
she is so cute.

it reminds me of the wedding where I was circling outside with Silas...

Finley sure does brighten up everything doesn't she?!!!