Monday, September 28, 2009

More Silas Love...

I was going to save this for his birthday post but obviously the time is Now!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I don't smoke anymore?

One of my very first memories - I am three years old and alone in my parent's bedroom. There is a butt in a giant glass ashtray that someone had put out but was still smoldering - I picked it up and puffed. I started smoking at twelve years old (one year older than Mac!) and definitely every day since I was fourteen. I almost never tried to quit - once after I started yoga - lasted 2 months... Three years ago, once I found out I was pregnant I was able to kick it for good thanks to acupuncture and hypnosis combined. Deep down I always felt I could only quit for a child which is another reason why Finley's name is important to me personally. "Fair Hero" - she has saved me in other ways but this is a biggie.

And I was f-ing SHAMELESS!! I could and would smoke anywhere - not in your face if you didn't want me to but I would be walking away from you to find a place and make no bones about it there was always a place for me to smoke.

Walking, running, eating, working, cooking. In the bathtub - in the shower! I mean it is truly amazing that I don't smoke anymore. It was hard for a long time and my coping skills leave a lot to be desired at times but I am really ok. Every yoga class I take I can feel my lungs healing and I smile and breeeeaaattthhhe!!

UPDATE: I Just got my email congratulating me on my anniversary. It had a few interesting facts... I have not smoked for 1096 days, I have not smoked 27,401 cigarettes saving me a whop-mazing $10,960!!!

for 4 weeks 3 years ago

We were pregnant at the same time - and that was fun:)
A chicken and a deer were having a chat...

A Man Named Pearl and a Random Green Thing

Hey, people who dig things Green... Check this out this strange and wonderful documentary that made it's way onto my netflix list. This guy is so inspiring - a self taught totally obsessed gardener/artist.

Also, I will send $5 cold hard cash to the first person who can name this bizarro plant that lives on our block.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Day of Preschool!!

It was a nail biter that went on for too long but we finally found a little preschool solution for Finley. She will be going 2 1/2 days a week on Mondays and Thursdays. She came home from her first day with a little paper where they colored about their feelings - too cute (I could benefit from an excercise like that myself!) I had to run to work and back and couldn't really feel what it will be like but Monday is right around the corner! Tomorrow is Sing, Dance and Make Believe class - woohoo! A big bummer is I just found out they will be remodeling the library for the next 1 1/2 years!! so that won't be an option this winter. There is another library a bit further in the opposite direction so we will be able to get books, but as far as a close and warm indoor space... Although, I also just found out there is always the YMCA which has a cheap child membership for indoor play space. Whew, Figuring it all out one day at a time. Bottomless Thanks for all your help everyone, you know who you are!

Old Timer's Day!!

Last weekend Finley and I went with Grandpops to his annual Joe Austin's Old Timer's League baseball game in the neighborhood where he grew up in in Jamaica, Queens. I have decided that my new favorite thing to do with someone that I love is go to their childhood stomping grounds - you learn so much and get to see the kid in them. The game itself was great. Pops got a hit and a sacrifice bunt. Gorgeous day. Finley ran around like a crazy person the whole time and was so tired that she fell asleep in the car with her hand stuck in her hair.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Greetings From My iPhone

Our computer is very sick and may not make it. The doctor is making a house call on Monday. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.

Friday, September 11, 2009

my story about This Day

I was sleeping - that's what I used to do in the mornings when i didn't have to work before Finley. I remember waking to a strange sensation and then going back to sleep. Now I know it was the first plane passing right over the apartment. The phone rang - my friend Jana, who lived in the building "you gotta come outside." These pictures are taken by me with a disposable camera on my corner. There are only five.

Some things I remember...
- a car pulled over on 6th Avenue with the door open, radio blaring the news
- people running up 6th Avneue with ash all over them saying they had been on very high floors - I remember being relieved thinking that everyone must have gotten out (except for those on the planes and floors they hit)
- from the time it took me to walk a tiny skinny block (between the third and fourth picture) one whole tower was gone.
- Without knowing facts or details, I remember thinking that Bush would make War for this.
- I was suddenly chain smoking even though I had quit.
- we stayed huddled together in Jana's apartment trying to make phone calls and watching the news until we couldn't do that anymore
- I left by myself and went to get a slice of pizza around 2pm
- the bars were full - people were drunk like it was 2am - I glanced in the door of one on my way - a woman I knew was sitting on a stool with ash all over her shoes.
- I stayed in the apartment until dark but when Building 7 collapsed, I put my cat Murray in a bag and we headed for the train. The turnstiles in the subways were locked in the open position. There was a bunch of teenagers laughing loud on the train. Grand Central was dark - cops with dogs walking around. Almost interior lights on the train upstate and no ticket taker.
- Craig and I didn't speak much.
- I woke up Sept 12 incredulous - "that did not happen that did not happen that did not happen."

Saturday, September 05, 2009

some things to love...

Craig had the stomach flu for 3 days and I caught him reading:

Finley received her new ladybug nightlight from cousins Mac, Emmett and Silas (thankyouthankyouthankyou!) and has slept in her own bed ever since - mostly I feel "yipeee" with a little "waaaa" - another wind blowing through our baby experience and changing it forever. Now we just need to get her on that potty - not looking to good. Today as I tried to reason with her about how poop is yucky and we need to get it off our bodies as soon as possible (especially if one is sitting in a poopy diaper - for sure, right!?!) and she says "But I LIKE my poop!"... oy. Also noteworthy, we are walking out the door the other day and she's babbling away and I hear something that stops me cold... "I'M a Princess!" She hit one of my personal parental achilles heels just like that - and at only 2 years 3 months old - I figured/hoped that princess business wouldn't start for long time if at all! AND her favorite colour is pink! I should have know it would be pointless to resist. But, I have seen NO princesses pass before her eyes! How did this happen???!! There must have been a princess on Wonder Pets or something?? Futile futile resistance, silly mama.

Granpops came out to help us celebrate Craig's birthday (Bebe was home with a bum foot:( We had great local Italian food and I actually wore a dress. Presents and cake, of course. I have to say Finley makes everyone's birthday better - that goes for every holiday, actually!

And finally after a late night sneaky adventure up to the roof to see the full moon, here is the birthday sloth in happy repose:))

Friday, September 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Craig and Matt!!!!

Happy 41 guys - this year was a piece of cake, no? Remember last year? Oy, the stress the drama, the steaks! We miss you Matt!

Here's Finley "helping" make the cake - so fun.