Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Man Named Pearl and a Random Green Thing

Hey, people who dig things Green... Check this out this strange and wonderful documentary that made it's way onto my netflix list. This guy is so inspiring - a self taught totally obsessed gardener/artist.

Also, I will send $5 cold hard cash to the first person who can name this bizarro plant that lives on our block.


Caline said...

I believe that's called Angel's Trumpet though it usually grows in south america.
Do the flowers smell really good?
I think they're also related to Datura which I grow because the flowers are so beautiful and smell so sweet but they are poisonous. I think that both plants have been used for their hallucinogenic effects but can be fatal if too much is ingested....

ma otter said...

in the queue

and I am with Caline...

(she wins the $5 for sure...I have never even seen this cool thing before!)

ma otter said...
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craig or cami said...

Caline -
I will double check with the neighbor, but looking it up myself - it looks right and I will be sending you that fat five spot along with something I have been saving for you:) address please!?

Amy said...

Darn, I missed the opportunity for 5 bucks !! We planted an Angel's trumpet for Chloe, and a Magnolia tree for Blake, (his placenta in the hole for for good measure). Both tree's are not doing so well, but for a while the flowers of the angels trumpet were so prolific & smelled so lovely. The kids on the other hand, growing like weeds !!