Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Year of Our Record - 2009

With the end of the year upon us I would like to reflect a moment on the fact that though we did not get to quit our day jobs (not that all of us would or should but SOME of us wanted to!) The Dreyer Family Band record was still one of the very best experiences of my life. Our most notable accolade (to me, so far) was an inclusion in the top 10 children's records of 2009 in this month's Time Out New York Kids (we were #6, actually)... A special thanks to Gracie, one of our best fans - I see you buying all those records on CDBaby, woman!


ma otter said...

wow, great shot of Feeee!
what a year.
still singing em

Gracie said...

Makes great Xmas presents for all my friends with kiddos! and even those w/o! :-)

Gracie said...

And...Congratulations! No matter what....this was an amazing project and the Dreyer families have some amazing memories and an amazing creation that will trascend time....! Just think, Finley can play this for HER kids one day! You should all be really proud of this achievement....