Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Dear Edwina Show!

Bebe strikes again with a fun lunch and great tickets for an off broadway show! This time it was something for Finley called Dear Edwina which is a very cute story about a girl whose talent is giving advice. The kids in Edwina's neighborhood put on a show every Sunday based on letters that other kids write asking for advice such as: what to do if food tastes/sounds icky (say no thank you!) or what to do if your brother is a jerk during your birthday party (don't be a "frankenguest") or how to say hello if you are shy (hola, lola!)... pretty cute stuff. These young actors were totally incredible. The trick to really enjoying these musicals I think is to buy the music. We are so into this new show - playing the cd non-stop just like she did for Pinkalicious. Thanks a bunch - we love you Bebe!

Being more careful.

You may recall me blogging about bad luck and broken cameras a couple months ago. One camera they were able to fix (for a pretty large fee) and the other (very expensive) camera they were not able to fix at all. It became what they call "a brick". This is what happened to that camera...

Dredging up the past in preparation for the future...

If all goes well, I will be going here starting in the summer!

What the Frack is up with the WATER?

I can remember laying in bed at night when I was a kid and before I would fall asleep sometimes I would try to freak myself out. I would think about myself laying in bed and then think about rising up into the sky higher and higher until I was in space and then just stay there in space feeling the enormity of it all until I was truly freaked. These days a darker version of this for me is thinking about Population and now more and more... Water.

I have yet to see Gasland but I did watch the trailer and could not believe my eyes when this poor old guy turned on his sink, lit a match and a ball of fire exploded from the tap. Apparently natural gas companies are leasing rights from people to drill into their land and cause explosions that then cause small earthquakes and releases natural gas (a f-ed up process called "fracking") which then gets sucked up for big profit. It's not supposed to affect the drinking water but IT DOES.
This brings me to my next film which I did see last week on my streaming netflix...

Here in Brooklyn our tap water smells and tastes of chlorine. We boil it and it tastes fine. I then put it in a glass pitcher in the fridge. When out and about I often get bottles of water. Well, no more. After seeing Tapped there are so many reasons not to. Now I know that the City of New York probably tests the water up to 300 times a month while the self regulating bottled water industry does virtually none. Then there is the truly mortifying fact that there are giant plastic soup masses that are growing in our oceans.
I can easily not buy anymore water bottles. Having a little kid you kind of resign yourself to lots of plastic crap in your life. But consciously trying to cut back I must. Then there is the packaging of food... What else? YIKES.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wooly Bully!

Tired of waiting for the snow to melt we decided to take matters into our own hands. This can only go down between the hours of 9-5 Monday-Fri for our neighor's sake...

Hiding from my seeking and mastering the twisty thing. Playground is going to be fun this year!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Winter Siesta in San Diegooooo!

What is better than spending 10 days in the sunnylicious sunshine of San Diego with those we love gigantically while everyone freeeeezes their pahtooteys off in NYC?? Nothing! Nothing could have been better than that. Smack dab in the middle of Mac and Emmett's birthdays, we had lots of cousin time while completely and happily immersed in their super crazy busy lives. Lots of trampoline and dollies and pokemon and time spent in the new musical garage and ice cream and yummy foods. A couple of awesome music days and drives to school and playgrounds and zoo (thanks Nana & Mac!) We even made a visit to Grandma Carol and Grandpa Arnie. Matt was around for a lot of it taking time of for us which was so great - and he got that promotion...sweet! The only bummer of the trip was that I only had my camera phone this time and I am never making that mistake again... Here is all the grainy and blurry action:

Look at those faces!

Muggin the man

flower girls on the walk home from plum pottery

this is Your Poke Decks. Silas and Finley together almost every minute.

music just springs up at any time/place

finger knitting with aunt sugar cookie

strumming love

Butterfly Barbie "it's the most beeuoteeful."

Omg that book!

Emmett rocks. truly. Mac kills it with the geetar too.


music day!

that long walk to dog park

emmett makes finley a little crazy - always has.

playing grumpy parents at Chula Vista Nature Center - this pic reminds me so much of Colorado

random flower house beauty

creative boys + stick + string + duct tape = awesome bow and arrow!

"who me compulsively feeding the chickens?"

getting him

Yet to come... Mac's very own chronic silly face post.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Emmett is 10!!

Happy Birthday Emmett!! Welcome forever to the double digits - hope you make it to triple!

We love you forever!! It is so fun watching you grow.