Walt Whitman cared for 100,000 wounded in the Civil War and wrote much about his experiences there. I had to dig for these articles in the historical New York Times - no google-ing allowed. SO worth the effort. There are about a billion reasons to love Walt Whitman but this is my current favorite... click to enlarge:)
wow. that is just right.
and it must feel far more satisfying to find it that way,
after a good long hunt.
there are two quotes I always think of, and had to look up google-style to make sure I had them right...but then I found so very many more...I 'll have to take out my Leaves of Grass again...
"Re-examine all you've been told. Dismiss what insults your soul."
“I hear and behold God in every object, yet understand God not in the least.”
“it makes such difference where you read”
“Some people are so much sunshine to the square inch.”
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes.”
“We were together. I forget the rest.”
xo annie
ps love you
I love all those quotes. I keep thinking about the last one...
I finished tweaking my essay at 1:30am and am very satisfied and grateful for that assignment.
I too have to take out my Leaves of Grass again and read with all of my perspective. Did you know Whitman self published that book? Set the type himself. (interesting for Mac and her book project, no? - don't know if he bound it himself...)
My copy was the first gift Craig ever gave me. It has some wedding flowers pressed in the pages:)
love you annie
hey you two, i love you both immeasurably! that you are out there, kindred, gives lift and light to my existence!
good stuff!
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