Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Turkey Tuesday

I have a quote taped to my computer. "You need only sit still long enough in some attractive spot in the woods that all its inhabitants may exhibit themselves to you by turns." - Henry David Thoreau....

Okay, I am not sitting in some shack in the deep forrest in complete solitude, but we have do a great view here at Wilkenson Hollow. We put a winter bird feeder up on the pear tree and I am sitting in the sun room watching Murray watch the birds. Boy, he would like one of them birds. It is really a special day because about 30! I am not kidding here - THIRTY wild turkeys have come to check out the feeder. I have seen this pack since the fall when there were only 10. I have seen these guys multiply with my own eyes.


Lauren said...

When my family lived in the Iowa countryside we used to see Wild Turkeys a lot- although I never remember seeing 30!

We even had a hill on our property we called Turkey hill because we so often saw turkeys. I loved watching them "fly"- pretty humourous.

ma otter said...

When is Turkey Season?

craig or cami said...

Matt - Whenever you get to town, big guy..... (boy, I am on fire with the comments - can't stop me. floatin' like a butterfly....)