Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Flying Finley

Flying Finley and Father following
Father flying Finley following her flightpath
following Finely flying farther than her father
further than her father?
furrier than her furrier scurrying?
hurry furry father following a flying finley farther
than any man has gone before?
it is hard to write a caption for this one


ma otter said...

super finley or finley to the rescue.
(i was about to say finley to the rest room)

ma otter said...

that last comment was emmett by the way

Anonymous said...

I like the happy giggling from Cami in the background too!

craig or cami said...

Emmett, you c-r-a-c-k me up.

ma otter said...

I like the poem.

ma otter said...

What the Fin is going on around here!