Monday, February 11, 2008

Baby Choke'Ems!©®

All New Finger Food!
Baby Choke'Ems!©®
Leave on the floor! Easy!
No cleanup! No Muss, No Fuss!
Perfectly UN-safe!

These items were either found in Finley's mouth or taken from the floor in a panic.


ma otter said...

oh my god thats too funny...I like the eyeball~
reminds me of the SNL episode with the toy "Bag O'Broken Glass"

ma otter said...


I'm there. I call them chokables. Also remember, grapes are deadly! I use a scalpel to slice the children's food into microscopic pieces (or you can use a cuisinart). Don't forget the most dangerous tool in the house, THE STAIRS!
