Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finley's First Toddler Snow


ma otter said...

hahahaha and brrrrrrrrr!
it looks so fluffy and snuggly from here but finley makes it clear...ouch, ahhhhhh
she's awfully pretty and pinky too

love the village banner and the festive colors...looks like christmas


crea said...

Oh my gosh, that belly! I love it! I could just eat her up (don't worry Cam, I won't actually eat your child... :)).

ma otter said...

That kid is cute.

What an amazing chance to see a human's first reaction to something as cool as snow


Gracie said...

OH MY GOD.....SOOOOO CUTE!!!! And what a TALKER.....Cold snow is OW...I'm widya Finley!!!