Thursday, June 24, 2010

Phebe & Nora!

They showed up for a quick little Sweet 16 trip to the big city. For the second time they braved the subways and came out to hang in Brooklyn. I remember when Nora was about 2 years old when Phebe brought her home from China. I just can't believe Finley will one day turn into a long legged teenager! Sooner that you think, I know - just look at Mac. She's been all arms and legs since 9 years old. Metamorphosis!!!

She got that sweet camera for her birthday from her Grandparents. Her excited face as she snapped away was a sight to see. We love you Nora! Next time was have a sleepover on the roof!

1 comment:

ma otter said...

look at those lovely girls!!

ps that scooter comes in handy! reminds me of that movie "Little Manhattan"!!