Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas time is the best.

This is Finley's face watching her first Nutcracker at a P.S. 89 in Tribeca. My friend Connie did 163 amazing costumes.... That's me after the Jingle Bell Jog (5miles!) 5,000 people running around the park with bells on their shoes wearing reindeer ears and santa hats. All $ went to needy kids for Xmas. They gave us green bagels:)


decorations! she had half her stuffed animals in the tree before we could even get the actual decorations out.

giving the tree his baby

with the birthday hat on top it suddenly became the princess xmas tree!

Craig singing some Hebrew - getting our Hanukkah on.

Gingerbread House!!

Heart potatoes!! ?

The dances are getting interesting...


ma otter said...

I wish we could merge our christmasses.
I really want to cheer you on your FIVE mo-fo miles in bells. Jeez that is just amazing and happy making.
and I want to see Feee put animals in her tree and Craigy-D light the menorah.
And I want to watch all the impromptu dances.
Love you guys and the way you do Christmas.

quick story...
The kids got mini bumper stickers in their advent calendars. One said "music is love" (obviously emmett) one said "vegetarian for life" (Mac) and the third said, "Power to the Peaceful" (for Silas)
The Vegetarian one had a drawing of carrots. Silas said he wanted the carrots and I told him that his was the Peace one. He said "nonononono!!!! NOT PEAS, CARROTS. Peas won't do. Don't make me."
It was funny.
xoxoxoxo love you 3

ma otter said...

we are all so happy you are coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great blog clips. I love your tree, it has a lovely spot. You and craig make wonderfully expressives faces and manies the time Finn has made her point... eyes opened wide x 2 and her shoulder drips and no matter what it is she is telling/asking, I must agree. Both sides of those great creative genes of her folks.
I am speechless when I see the west coast cousins, I remember Mac's 1st star...and Emmett's and Silas's all just yesterday. sending love to you all...Merry Christmas to all...pray for peace

Caline said...

Love the green jacket with the pink buttons.
Love the holiday cheery-ness!
Love the heart shaped potato &
especially love the dancing (WOW)!!!

Gracie said...

I love that dance! And that tree is FABULOUS! Betcha the jingle bell running was so fun to hear!

:-) Happy Happy Merry Merry!