Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cole's First Birthday

The redheaded baby Diane kept begging me for ended up being her own grandson. Cole turned a year last weekend and we all spent a great day at Murrow Park, hanging out, eating and playing. A whole day at the park - it was a lot of fun even though I'm not moving that well or fast these days. Craig and I did get in a few rounds of catch though:)

Luke playing his birthday harmonica! We gifted him early because we will probably not be able to attend his party on the 23rd.


Anonymous said...

Jesus...9 months pregnant and you still manage to look!! Don't worry... that uncomfortable know like you can't eat, breathe, sleep or walk, really dissapears the moment you give birth. And then you'll have that darling little girly in your arms....can't wait!!! I know you and Craig can't either!

LCJ said...

I am glad you posted these because i have been so busy i didn't get the chance yet on the boys blog!Love the picture of you on the fence! Have to stop by and give you some of the pictures i took of you and craig
