Thursday, November 08, 2007

Exploiting Our Child

I work in the modelling business. It's crazy and I can't believe I do and have for the past 13 years, but there you go. As I prepare to go back to work we have decided to let Finley work too as long as it is fun for her and convenient for us. I have no secret desire to be a stage mom. She is signed with my agency, Wilhelmina - these are the shots we took for them today. Heck, she may be more successful than her father and I before the age of two with this amount of cuteness.


LCJ said...

cute pictures!!

Lauren said...

That last one kills me.

That smile rocks.

Gracie said...

Baby Girl!!! She's so dang cute...can't wait to see her in commercials!

Gracie said...

OH and OMG...are those LEG WARMERS she is wearing??? That is too freakin' cute.....

ma otter said...

cant wait to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

That's a great you know the to you're not gonna let anyone "overwork" your baby :) go for it!

craig or cami said...

are we pimpy yet?

crea said...

Cami anyone who knows you also knows you would never be a "stage mom", however if I ever see Fin wearing makeup and a cowgirl outfit (aka JonBenet) I'm kickin' your butt and takin' the baby! :)