Thursday, November 08, 2007


I don't care what you may think about Michael Moore, go rent this movie. I would jump up and down with joy for a year straight if we got national health insurance.


LCJ said...

tried to get this on netflix this week but didn't get it, have to wait now till its available!

Gracie said...

I have the movie..gonna curl up in bed (got a major headcold...was supposed to fly to Singapore today...thank good the trip is postponed for a few weeks) and watch it NOW...

Anonymous said...

for the record I love anything Michael Moore says, touches, directs or sneezes'm getting it now..the health system in this country SUCKS. you think maybe we should have given Americans health coverage instead of spending billions on a futile war in Iraq..hmmm?

Gracie said...

OK...I'm moving to France....