Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Some Overdue Baby Blogging

Forgive us bloggers, it's been too long since our last blog. What she's been up to... Rolling front to back and back to front and a spinning scooch. Lots of drooling, nose running and cold-like symptoms that we think might just be teething. One little tiny white spot on the bottom gums, but no teeth yet. Sounds that are starting to sound like words "N-Dat!" "Gee!" (I think that's the one for Craig) and "Nee!" (that's me) and "Nay!" (milk). The smiles are off the charts and she seems to just be livin' the life of a happy, funny baby.

she says "gee" because she is trying to say "genius" which, of course, refers to me.


ma otter said...

such an expressive face on that one! I love the table top highchair too...genius (the chair AND the baby!)

Gracie said...

Much love to Baby Girl and Ma and Pa Dreyer.... These pictures are PRECIOUS...and she's saying Geee for her AUNT G... ;-)