Saturday, September 18, 2010

MORE Strange Occurances in The Slope!

Lily, Finley's friend from school and her Papa met us at the park today. He is training for a 1/2 marathon and I am NOT though I am running - one watches the girls as the other runs around the park. Today when I got back I went to throw something in the garbage when i noticed... my first ever, seen with my own eyes, Praying Mantis! I rescued him from the can and we ooo'd and ahhh'd over him for a minute or two before sending him on his way among the brush. A fascinating creature to be sure, but the way they turn their heads to look at you is SO creepy!

VERY STRANGE! Two cute little girls eating cupcakes!

Last night out the window like nothing had happened...

Then there was this tornado in Finley's room today as well! I tell you, this one took more that a few minutes...


ma otter said...

you people are great!
I love you.

bebe said...


Seeing finn and mac's haircuts is just making me boohoo a bunch.'s in a blink of the eye. I love Love love your haircut ms. Finley joyous dreyer. Come visit, I miss you.....and your folks too!


Gracie said...

I love how Finley has her hands on her hips....I remember that look when I told her it was time for clean up! :-P