Thursday, April 19, 2007

Part of The Deal?

From what we can gather already, part of having a child is having to "assemble" things. This can be a frustrating process (notice Craig's face.) I mean, who writes some of these directions?
Also, why do you have to have 43! twists tyes anchoring down one little toy to its carboard box? The warning signs all over everything really messes with the aesthetic (ONE underneath a product would be sufficient.) And my biggest complaint this week - why do I feel I am being held hostage by the product logo. I don't buy labels for myself and certainly don't want these names embroidered all over my baby's stroller and other stuff. I need a bigger seam ripper.


ma otter said...

that is so funny! I, too, HATE the twist ties that make Xmas a nightmare... and the photos of me giving birth to Mac the fargin' pillow cases said KAISER and that was just the beginning!!!!!!!
...but the best part of this photo is Craig's long underwear!

LCJ said...

funny!! my favorite are the twist ties too!