Monday, November 30, 2009

Beard Hair

When The Wildabeast (aka Papa) finally shaved himself recognizable the other day my very first thought was "don't throw it away!" This is why I would never be a mainstream art teacher. Craig said he might use it as his facebook profile pic and that it is his favorite portrait ever. Finley didn't want her picture taken but check out her Christmas dress that she has been begging to wear everyday since Halloween. He is displaying his boat with WonderPets. Fun to grab a few minutes before all the "have to's"...


Gracie said...

Craig should def make this his FB profile pic! :-) This great art! And WHO is that clean-shaven man?!?!?

Mattmos said...

WTF. I'm growing a beard now. How can we be twinny. Twinny, twinny, twinny. Im so obnoxious, I just pissed myself off.

craig or cami said...

You are obnoxious and twinny. He took his off tho see? Might be back in a couple days when the sloth can't seem to quite lift the razor to his face. I"m obnoxious too, sheesh. - Cam-a-Lam

ma otter said...

that is an awesome picture, cam.
and dress, feeeee!
craig, you are just funny. I don't know why exactly but you have been cracking us up, in a good way.
i can picture your face as you are reading know that expression....yah, that one....
(flared nostril, chin rub perhaps...)
we are giggling now, me and kids.

craig or cami said...

all of youse make my skin crawl!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the art the girlchild, the payrents and the chatter makes me laugh.

xo bebe

Anonymous said...

Однако человек поврежден грехом. И то, который в нем было заложено от Бога, – влечение к противоположному полу, в нем помрачилось и сдвинулось в сторону животной части. Если сначала стиль управлял душой, а душа – телом, то сегодня тело управляет душой… Прежде наслаждение было только духовным, только в часть виде, которое называлось агапэ, а эротической любви не было. [url=]с чего начать ремонт квартиры[/url]